Our best-in-class residential club management solution enables residential communities or townships to easily manage and coordinate their in-house clubs. We make managing club members, daily operations, accounts, payments, and more, easy and efficient. A user-friendly and flexible user interface ensures personalized member history and activity tracking.
eCube Lite Modules

Membership/ CRM Management
- Membership Designer
- Member Registration
- Corporate Membership Management
- Member Card Generation
- Invoicing
- Communication Management
- Reports

Amenities Management
- Gate Entry & Exit
- Amenity Access P0S
- Statements / Reports

Events Management
- Event Planning
- Booking
- Payment
- Schedule Management

- Services Charges Management
- Invoice Generation
- Receipt Generation
- Reporting
- Invoicing and Payment Tracking

Revenue Management

Mobility for Members and Staff

Integrated Billing


Hardware Integration

Online Booking/ Payments

Biometric Control

Business Overview Reports
eCube Lite Flow
Here is a diagrammatic flow of the eCube Lite to help the users easily understand the software.